Practice Policies
Practice Policies
Controlled Substances Policy
The ability to prescribe narcotics and other controlled substances is a privilege that is granted by the DEA. The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has strict regulations governing prescribing controlled substances. Dr. Russell Imboden takes this privilege very seriously.
Controlled substances are prescribed for short-term use only. If required for periods longer than a few weeks, an evaluation which may include referral with one or more specialists, will be initiated to determine requirement of the prescription. If the patient chooses not to take the specialist referall, Dr. Imboden, D.O. will not be able to continue to prescribe the controlled medications.
Dr. Imboden is not trained in pain management. Chronic pain management is not a part of Dr. Russell Imboden, D.O., and is not is it a service that Dr. Russell Imboden provides.
Controlled Substance guidelines are as follows:
- If controlled substances are prescribed by Dr. Russell Imboden, D.O., the patient will not seek controlled substances from any other provider.
- Prescriptions will be filled at one pharmacy/ one chain.
- Controlled substance prescriptions will not be filled by phone.
- Controlled substance prescriptions will not be filled after clinic hours, weekends or holidays.
- Abuse or overuse of prescribed prescriptions will NOT be tolerated.
- Lost prescriptions will not be rewritten OR refilled.
- Controlled substances are not to be shared or sold.
- Misrepresenting a condition or situation in order to obtain controlled substance prescriptions IS ILLEGAL. If Dr. Imboden, D.O. feels that a patient is not being honest, Dr. Russell Imboden, D.O. will refuse to prescribe controlled substances. Additionally, law enforcement agencies may be notified.
- Random drug screens (at patients expense) may be requested.
Violation of, or refusal to comply with any of these guidelines may result in controlled substances no longer being prescribed and/or dismissal from the practice.